Coordinated Entry Assessments
TCCoC's Coordinated Entry is a communication and shared data system used by many of the organizations that serve individuals and families that are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless in Tehama County. Participating in the CES is makes it easier for program staff to connect participants with the most appropriate housing resources for their specific situation. (PLEASE NOTE: Referral into the system does not guarantee placement in a Housing Program - but it does place that person or family on the list to be contacted if and when they are matched to a program)
2-1-1 Tehama serves as the Entry Point for the Coordinated Entry System.
2-1-1 Tehama serves as the Entry Point for the Coordinated Entry System.
To be assessed for housing needs, please dial 2-1-1 and when prompted, enter the zip code for the area you're currently in to be routed to services for the correct area, then request a Coordinated Entry Assessment.