Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)
HMIS is a system that collects demographic information about the population a community's assistance organizations serves and is intended to provide local and national agencies with information about that population so that communities can access the appropriate funding to best serve those seeking assistance in their areas. HMIS also keeps track of program outcomes to help communities determine which kind of programs are working and which need adjustments. Every organization that collects this type of information informs program participants that the information is being collected and how it will be used.
To find out more about HMIS, select the option below that fits you the best and click the LEARN MORE button below that option.
To find out more about HMIS, select the option below that fits you the best and click the LEARN MORE button below that option.
For Program ParticipantsIf you have questions about what kind of information you'll be asked to provide, or would like to know how any information you provide will be used, click the button below.
For Organizations Interested in ParticipatingIf you represent an organization that serves individuals and families experiencing homelessness and you would like to learn more about how participating in HMIS can benefit your organization and those you serve, click the button below.
For Participating Organizations
If you are part of an organization that currently participates in HMIS and you have technical questions, click below to download TCCoC HMIS Policies & Procedures documents and for technical assistance contact information.