Housing Inventory Count (HIC) Forms
Please download and complete the form appropriate to the type of housing your organization provides and submit the completed form according to the instructions provided on the form.
2019 Emergency Shelter HIC Form
2019 Transitional Housing HIC Form
2019 Rapid Rehousing HIC Form
NOTE: To complete the forms on your computer, you must open them in Acrobat Reader (available for free download here). Once you have completed the form, save it to your computer. You can then attach the completed form to an email or print it out and submit using a different method.
2019 Transitional Housing HIC Form
2019 Rapid Rehousing HIC Form
NOTE: To complete the forms on your computer, you must open them in Acrobat Reader (available for free download here). Once you have completed the form, save it to your computer. You can then attach the completed form to an email or print it out and submit using a different method.