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FY2023 CoC Program Supplemental Application
Please see FY2023 Tehama CoC Local Competition Public Solicitation for detailed instructions on completing this form.
Indicates required field
Applicant (Organization)
Project Name
Applicant Mailing Address
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Zip Code
Applicant Contact Name
Applicant Contact Email Address
Applicant Contact Phone Number
Has the e-SNAPS application for this Project Application been submitted?
Option 2
Option 3
Applicant must submit the e-SNAPS application prior to submitting this Supplemental Application.
Application Type
Project Type
Joint TH and PH-RRH
Target Population
All persons and families experiencing homelessness
Victims of domestic violence, sexual assualt, dating violence or stalking experiencing homelessness
Project Design
Provide a basic overview of the project’s design and activities. The following objectives are based on HUD’s System Performance Measures and have been shown to significantly impact the effectiveness of a community’s efforts to end homelessness. Letters of Interest must address at least one of the following objectives in the Project Design response. Projects that address multiple objectives will receive priority in the selection process. Describe ways in which the project … i. Decreases the overall Length of Time that individuals and/or families spend homeless (including time on the streets, in Emergency Shelters or in Transitional Housing projects). ii. Decreases the likelihood that individuals or families will return to homelessness after being permanently housed. iii. Decreases the overall number of individuals and/or families experiencing homelessness in Tehama County. iv. Assists those served by your project in increasing earned income or income from other sources. v. Decreases the overall number of individuals or families that become homeless for the first time. vi. Increases the number of individuals and/or families that move from temporary housing situations such as emergency shelters or transitional housing projects to permanent housing situations.
Number to be served:
Provide a projected number of individuals or families to be served by the project annually and any increase in this number that would be made possible through these funds.
Collaboration and Leverage
Briefly describe formal and informal collaboration with community partners and your project’s capacity for leveraging support from other funding sources or other sources of support to increase the overall effectiveness of the project.